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Home-made healthy drink Series(Part 4)

Passion fruit lemon kiwifruit drink
Lemon is a common sour fruit in life. Because of its extremely sour taste, it is often used as condiment, cosmetics and medicines. Lemon is rich in nutrition.

For example,lemon contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and other nutrients. It is also rich in organic acids and citric acid. Lemon is a highly alkaline food with strong antioxidant effect. It is very effective in promoting skin metabolism, delaying aging and inhibiting pigmentation.

Passion fruit is named for its fragrance of many fruits, also known as egg fruit. The juice is rich in nutrition and fragrance. Passion fruit is rich in vitamin C, which can effectively purify the body, avoid the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, thereby improving the skin and beautifying the face. The carotene and effective enzymes can scavenge human free radicals, nourish the face and resist aging.
Kiwifruit contains a lot of water and dietary fiber, which can help gastrointestinal function, accelerate the discharge of body waste, and relieve constipation significantly. It contains a large amount of water and dietary fiber, can help gastrointestinal function, accelerate the discharge of body waste, and relieve constipation significantly.
Youll need.....

-3 or 4 passion fruit,half lemon(Green lemon is better, because its acidity is lower),half kiwifruit,honey

The steps are so simple that everyone can do by themselves.
STEP 1:Cut all the ingredients, poke wildly with a spoon, then add honey and water. (Please remember that dont add water at first)And then try the taste. If it's too sour, add honey.
STEP 2:Put it into the refrigerator for over 3hours.Then delicious and healthy beverage is coming.

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