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Best Water For our Babies

Water is an important component of our bodies. Every bodily function depends on water. Drinking water is one of the healthy and basic steps to get a better life. Parents are therefore hopeful that they can start their babies early on learning the healthy habit of drinking water. But when can babies drink water? Here are some helpful tips to let you know when we can feed babies water.
When Can Babies Drink Water?
Experts believe that give babies water is not a good idea before they are six months old. Babies usually get enough hydration from breast milk or their formula even when the weather is hot. This is because too much water can full babys tummy which is too weak to bear too much pressure by outside and too much water can reduce the desire to feed and interfere with the absorption of nutrients from milk. Small sips of water may not hurt the baby but it is advisable to consult the doctor before giving a baby some water before six months of age. The timeline below will specifically show you when babies can drink water.

From birth - 3 months
Newborns should not be given water. Having a tiny belly, a newborn baby must not be given a bottle with water, which would fill its belly and take the place of milk. In addition, too much water will disturb the normal balance of electrolytes in their bodies and can affect brain and heart function.

From 4-6 months
Although giving some water to the infant of this age is not dangerous, it is not necessary. Research shows breastfed babies do not need additional water even in tropical places when temperatures can rise above 100°F daily. Babies who feed on milk formula may be given some water (about an ounce or even two) during hot weather, but it is best to ask your pediatrician for advice. Water should never take the place of breast milk and formula should not be diluted with additional water.

Around 5-7 months
Babies of this age are able to hold objects and can learn drinking liquids from a cup. Give your baby a sippy cup that does not have a valve so he can suck easily. Choose one which can hold 4-6 ounces of liquid, and fill it up to the top so your baby does not need to tilt his head up when sipping. A large cup filled with water may be too heavy for a small baby to use.

Sometimes you might be advised to use the drinking water from the tap, but to boil it first. If that’s the case, make sure the water is at a good rolling boil, and keep it there for at least one minute. This will destroy any pathogens in the water that could hurt your baby. However, don’t boil the water for too long, and don’t boil it more than once, as that can actually concentrate any impurities and make it even worse for your baby!
Some companies produce water that is designed to be used with baby formula. This water follows much stricter guidelines than other water sources and is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Water You Should Avoid

There are definitely some water sources you should always avoid when making your baby’s formula.
1、Well water
2、Water containing high-levels of fluoride

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