water filters refrigerator filters

Refrigerator water filter| The Best Choice

Tap water might be safer than bottled water

Many of us may have a big misunderstanding about tap water, thinking it’s unsafe and opting to purchase bottled water. However, a survey by the authorities shows that in 2018 most US cities’ tap water reached the standard of safe drinking water.
clear tap water

According to data from the Natural Resources Defense Council, about 25% of bottled water is made of tap water. Due to the relatively looser federal laws regulating bottled water manufacturers, your purchased bottled water is very likely another form of tap water.
bottled water

Plastic bottles are harmful to the environment

Bottled water can cause great pollution to the environment, especially since most manufactures use disposable plastic bottles while making it. The only way to handle the bottles is to burn.
Plastic water bottle garbage

However, incineration can create harmful gases, and further pollute global natural water supply. Afraid of purchasing polluted natural water which can potentially cause serious illness, many people choose bottled water as their drinking water, which can add up plastic water bottle garbage. By repeatedly doing so, a vicious cycle forms.

Bottled water is energy-consuming

In the process of manufacturing and transporting bottled water, a number of problems can take place, such as consuming a large amount of oil to make plastic bottles and ship these products from water source to sales areas.

Meanwhile, handling plastic water bottle garbage needs a mass of energy, and over-production can cause water shortage in the water source.
Automobile refueling

Problems with tap water

In many US cities, tap water can reach the standard of safe drinking water, but after leaving water treatment plants it is often polluted by microorganism in old and rusty water supply lines, according to estimates.

In some areas, wooden water pipes are still in service, making tap water more accessible to pollution. The worst is that many water treatment plants add chlorine or fluorine to tap water to kill bacteria in it. Although the chemicals are not likely to harm your body too much, frequent intake can potentially cause serious illness.
Water pipes made of wood

Popular refrigerator water filters

There are three main refrigerator water filters on the market: activated carbon filter, reverse osmosis filter and ion filter. Among them, activated carbon filter is the most commonly used. Its carbon cartridge has many pores inside to absorb contaminants. It’s said that a gram of carbon can cover three volleyball courts.
A Can of Activated Carbon
Activated carbon filter is effective at removing odd odor and chlorine from water, but unable to deal with common inorganic pollutants such as arsenic, fluoride, hexavalent chromium, nitrates and perchlorates.

Refrigerator water filter is not only money-saving, but also environmentally-friendly

Activated water filter is enough to keep your drinking water safe in current tap water quality circumstance. So you can be reassured to drink filtered water by a reusable plastic bottle.
water filter

After drinking 20-30 bottles of water, you will find you have saved the costs of a reusable plastic bottle and a refrigerator water filter. Yes! Using filter is not only money-saving, but also environmentally-friendly compared with purchasing bottled water.

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irish coffee

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Is Unfiltered Tap Water Safe?

Researches show that carcinogenic factors exist in nearly all US municipal water supply systems

Carcinogens exist in 201 municipal water supply systems in 43 US states, results of a survey by the Environmental Working Group (EWG)ewg logo show. This means that our tap water might contain harmful chemicals.

Among chemicals used in water treatment plants, the most harmful to human body are chloramine and chloramine. In the US, about 20% of citizens drank water treated by chloramine.

While saying they are not aware that chloramine is carcinogenic, the EWG states in their relevant paper that it is a “possible human carcinogen”. This is a clear contradiction.

Our drinking water also contains other contaminants such as HAAs, volatile organic compounds and THMs. They cannot be removed from tap water by boiling or distilling and could create steam, which can settle in small spaces like your bathroom and kitchen, in the acts.
Boiling water
boiling water

Harm caused by fluoride in tap water to human body

Over the past five decades, many countries such as the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand have enforced a policy that orders adding a chemical called fluoride to tap water to help prevent cavities.

However, to keep healthy and avoid cancer, I don’t recommend you to drink or use tap water, though most Americans only have it for daily life.
drink tap water
tap water

As early as 1977, the International Association for Fluoride Research (ISFR) released a quarterly report indicating that fluoride belongs to carcinogen and mutagenic substance. It accumulates in human body and replaces beneficial substances such as iodine, causing severe illnesses such as bone cancer, thyroid cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer.

In 1990, a report by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIECHS) revealed that male rats are more likely to suffer from osteosarcoma, a type of bone tumor, after being fed fluoride for two years.

In April, 2010, the Time magazine listed fluoride as one of the “Top 10 Common Household Toxins.”

In Europe, fluoride is rarely added to water supply systems.

In the UK, only about 10 people drink water containing fluoride.

To add or not to add fluoride to tap water, this is a question. Critics hold that fluoride shouldn’t be added to tap water for so-called “preventing cavities”. In nearly all countries, including the US, applying a substance every citizens believe toxic for medical use is unlawful.

Using water filters is the most effective way to reduce harmful substances in tap water

The easiest way to remove contaminants from tap water is to install a high-quality water filter into your refrigerator. It can remove chlorine, asbestos, lead, mercury and volatile organic compounds, including paint, glue and pesticides.
water filter
coconut shell activated carbon
Below are some of the best ways to ensure the safety of your drinking water:
  • Drink and use filtered water as much as possible;
  • Store water in glasses or stainless steel containers;
  • Continue to lobby for stricter water regulations in your area.

Water is necessary since without it you can’t live. For your and your family’s health, try your best to keep the safety of your drinking water!

Different Whirlpool Refrigerator, Different Filter Place Set

Before replacing the old water filter with a new one, you need to know where the device is located on your refrigerator. Due to differences in design, the location of filter on every refrigerator may vary, making some of you feel confused about the replacement process. This post aims to help Whirlpool refrigerator users solve the problem.

There are generally five types of refrigerators for sale on the market: French 3-door refrigerators, French 4-door refrigeratorsside-by-side refrigeratorsbottom-freezer refrigeratorstop-freezer refrigerators, and under-counter refrigerators
6 types of whirlpool refrigerators

French 3-door refrigerators

For French 3-door refrigerator, the filter is usually located in three spots on the refrigerator – in the back of the refrigerator, in the grille at the base of the refrigerator or in the upper right interior of the refrigerator.
french 3-door refrigerator water filter'place

French 4-door refrigerators

For French 4-door refrigerator, a filter is usually located in two spots on the refrigerator – in the back of the refrigerator or in the upper right interior of the refrigerator.
 french 4-door refrigerator

Side-by-side refrigerators

For side-by-side refrigerator, the filter is usually located in three spots on the refrigerator – in the back of the refrigerator, in the grille at the base of the refrigerator or in the upper right interior of the refrigerator.
side-by-side refrigerator 

Bottom-freezer refrigerators

For bottom-freezer refrigerator, the filter is usually located in three spots on the refrigerator – in the back of the refrigerator, in the grille at the base of the refrigerator or in the upper right interior of the refrigerator.
bottom-freezer refrigerator

Top-freezer refrigerators

For top-freezer refrigerator, the filter is usually located in three spots on the refrigerator – in the back of the refrigerator, in the grille at the base of the refrigerator or in the upper right interior of the refrigerator.
top-freezer refrigerator

Under Counter refrigerators

 For under-counter refrigerator, the filter is usually located in the grille at the base of the refrigerator.
under counter refrigerator

Routinely replacing water filter for your refrigerator can keep the air in the fridge fresh and odor-free. The installation process takes less than 5 minutes, and the best part is that you don’t need any tools to do it.

For more information on high-quality and affordable water filters, you may visit our website www.gpfilter.com.

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